Business ServicesEmployee Recruitment
Recruiting Assistance...
With advertising and screening of employee applications; we provide referrals of only the most qualified applicants! With a large pool of job candidates readily available, employers have access to potential employees of various skills and experiences. The Colusa County One-Stop can provide testing and assessment of applicants' skills and aptitudes prior to employment.
Wage Reimbursement...
Of up to 50% of a new employee's training salary is available through the On-the-Job Training Program! Custom designed training is provided through tailor made programs for new hires.
Tax Credits...
And savings for hiring applicants from special "target" groups!
Download FormsBusiness Loan ApplicationBusiness Loan Application (Template Form)Employment Application Employment Application (Template Form) Job Training
It's So Easy
No matter what size your business may be or what line of work you're in, On-the-Job Training could hold the answers to your hiring needs and provide you with significant money and time saving advantages.
No Strings, No Hassles
With On-the-Job Training, there's no complicated paper work or cumbersome procedures. We guarantee no unnecessary interference. All you do is sign prepared forms and keep the normal attendance and payroll records. A monitor from our office will periodically visit you to see how the trainee is progressing.
You're the Boss
You decide who to hire. You train the new employees to perform their jobs according to the exact specifications your business requires. You may terminate any unsatisfactory trainees. They are your employees and are subject to the same rules and policies as everyone else in your company.
Big Savings
We will reimburse you up to 50% of each new employee's wages during the time he or she is learning the job. Depending on the complexity of the job and qualifications of the trainee, this period may last from two weeks to five months. We will also save you time by recruiting and pre-screening applicants for you so that you interview only the top qualified candidates. This service is provided to you at no fee.
Business OutreachThe Colusa County One-Stop works with a team of trained individuals to assist the employer during lay-offs’ or a closure. Our ultimate goal is to help you, the business, stay open and grow over time. However, outside sources may in times force such drastic measures as a closure. If and when that happens, please give us a call at: (530) 458.0326 Extension 302. We can help!
Individual LayoffsThe Colusa County One-Stop can assist the individual employee with effective re-employment services, and you, the business owner, with how to's on maintaining your business or optimizing your resources.
For more information, please contact us by accessing the “Contact Tab” at the top of the Home webpage.
Colusa County One –Stop is an equal opportunity Employer/Program
Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to people with disabilities

Colusa County One-Stop is a proud partner of America's Job Center of California
Colusa County One Stop, 144 & 146 Market Street, Colusa, CA 95932, (530) 458-0326